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Affiliate link – what is worth knowing? Part II


An affiliate link is a unique URL leading to an advertiser's website, in which the publisher ID is encrypted after processing in the affiliate service. With it, monitoring every page view, action, sale or commission charged becomes possible. The world's largest sites such as YouTube or Booking offer affiliate programmes.



Affiliate link and its structure


An affiliate link is a unique URL that leads directly to the advertiser's website. Thanks to the unique user identifier (ID) encrypted in it, it allows advertisers to control the traffic directed from affiliate websites to the advertiser's websites in real-time and to count the transactions carried out through them. Affiliate marketing is a convenient, relatively low-cost form of advertising that is becoming more and more popular every year among those looking for a way to increase their income.


In terms of the structure of an affiliate link, it consists of two elements – the URL and the affiliate code. The former is nothing more than the address of the website to which the link is supposed to lead the user. The affiliate code, on the other hand, is a unique, individual code assigned to the affiliate account.


Use of links –


Affiliate marketing is growing in many industries. One of these is tourism. If you are interested in this topic, you can join the affiliate programme of, which is a popular website for booking accommodation online. The first thing to do is register with it and then choose an affiliate product, which would be a link. Then all you have to do is place it on your website, blog or campaign. Here, the user receives a commission for each registration made with an affiliate link. allows its partners to adapt the widget to increase the chance of reaching the largest possible audience. In addition, it optimises its products so that they are easy to use. Also, noteworthy here are the state-of-the-art technologies it uses and its 24/7 customer service.


Use of links – Revolut


The affiliate programme is also offered by Revolut, which is a company that enables payments to be made abroad or on foreign websites without a currency conversion commission. It is available to those who run a website or blog on which an advertising link will be able to be published. In order to download it, you must first join the Impact programme. This is done by pressing a button and completing a questionnaire. Once it is completed and the application is accepted (these are processed within 3 working days), the user will be provided with a unique link and materials to build a successful Revolut campaign. Its recipients will receive a favourable offer to get started. When they decide to open an account and order a free card, the affiliate member can count on an attractive commission. If, on the other hand, they decide to upgrade their plan to Premium or Metal, the publisher will receive the additional commission within 14 days. Payments here are made in 30-day cycles.



Use of links – YouTube


YouTube, the online service that allows videos to be published, streamed live and commented on for free, also offers significant affiliate opportunities. Both large channels and slightly smaller ones with small reach can earn here. It is very simple. All you have to do is start recommending selected products from affiliate programmes in the material published on your channel and then include affiliate links to them in the description. For every transaction completed by a user after following such a link, the Youtuber will receive a predetermined commission on the sale. The person running a channel on the aforementioned service can decide for themselves what kind of products they want to recommend in their videos. These can be books, clothing, cosmetics or games. The YouTuber can either openly encourage their purchase, emphasising that this will result in a commission for them, or do it in a more subtle way, only pointing out the advantages of the presented products, without directly encouraging their purchase. What's more, there is no limit to the number of affiliate links in the description of a YouTube video. It is worth taking advantage of this by linking to each product with a detailed description.


Use of links – advertising widgets


A widget is a graphical information medium that is an integral part of any website. It works very well in affiliate advertising. There, it takes the form of an advertising creation presenting photographs of selected products together with their name, price and the affiliate links assigned to them. Advertising widgets are created by publishers in a special generator after they have joined an affiliate programme. They can be graphically matched to the appearance of the respective website or blog by editing the background colour and border as well as the appearance of the descriptions. Widgets can be vertical or horizontal. They are responsive, so they automatically adjust in size to the devices on which they are displayed. No programming knowledge is required to create advertising widgets. They always contain up-to-date product data and have no expiry date – once posted, they work until they are removed or altered.


Use of links – social media


Many publishers choose to promote affiliate links on social media. They can do this either via their personal profile or their company page. The latter is more beneficial. This is because an engaged audience is more likely to use an affiliate link recommended by someone they follow, value and consider valuable, interesting and worthy of following. There are several ways to use links on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. For example, they can be pasted directly into the content of a post, as well as placed in the description of a graphic or sent in a private message.


The key to success in affiliate marketing is a good affiliate network. One recommended affiliate platform is Click Hub. What are the characteristics of this affiliate platform? It is a pleasure to work for. The Click Hub platform gives you access to many offers on a wide range of topics. Click Hub affiliates are guaranteed extremely attractive commissions. What also characterises Click Hub are the fast, hassle-free payouts.


Affiliate links can be used by publishers either on their theme or opinion website, blog, YouTube channel or on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. What's more, they can take a variety of forms – from text to graphics to a widget. All this means that users are increasingly opting for this form of online earning. The Click Hub affiliate platform guarantees high commissions and fast payouts.