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Affiliate Marketing and ... YouTube


Most creators running their YouTube channel want to start monetizing their reach at some point. A good alternative to direct cooperation with manufacturers is affiliate marketing, which allows you to obtain funds from many different advertisers.


Streaming television

In the early years of the Internet, there was no possibility of collecting and distributing video materials. This was due to the very large volume of video files, which despite compression took up a lot of space on the server disks and required extremely long transmission time when they were transferred via ICT links. As a result, downloading one file of this type could take up to several minutes. Over time, due to the increasing storage resources of servers and the constantly increasing speed of information transfer, websites could start publishing video materials. The key to success was their skillful collection, search and sharing.


The idea of creating a service enabling free uploading of videos came in 2005 by three it specialists working at PayPal Holdings Inc. They were Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen. YouTube was registered on February 14, 2005. The first video that was released was a 18-second video called “Me at the Zoo.” The first film to reach 1 000 000 views was a Nike advertisement featuring Ronaldinho, uploaded in November 2005.

H2: YouTube and its capabilities

YouTube is an online service that allows you to post, broadcast live and comment on videos free of charge. You can share both music videos and movie trailers, video blogs or other video materials there.


The main element of YouTube is a search engine, a tool that allows you to find videos that are most suited to the user’s query. It takes into account 3 elements: Relevance, commitment and quality.


YouTube offers recommended videos to users. They are placed both on the home page and in the “Next” section, in the form of suggestions presented while watching the video. Advanced algorithms take into account the history of viewing and searching, as well as the channels subscribed by the user, the country in which he is located and the current time of day.


What are YouTube’s earning opportunities? The main source of revenue for creators is advertising. Revenue is generated when viewed by viewers. They are shared between the website and the authors of the video materials. In order to start earning money on YouTube, you must first meet the terms of the affiliate program.


In recent years, this service has also introduced several other ways of earning money. One of them is the support function of the channel. Users who use it, in exchange for a monthly fee, gain access to exclusive content, badges or custom emoticons. Fans can also support their favorite creators by purchasing text and digital stickers to highlight their messages in live chat. Another way to make money on YouTube is to sell products dedicated to your audience. By connecting the store to the channel, you can display them on the shelf under movies and live broadcasts. In addition, there is a tab “Shop”, leading to the creator’s online store on the site.



 Affiliation on Youtube 

YouTube offers great opportunities when it comes to affiliate marketing. How can this affiliate platform be used to generate revenue? What is important, both popular users with large ranges and small, beginning creators can earn money here. What does this affiliation look like in practice ? It's very simple! YouTuber acts here as an affiliate publisher, who in his videos recommends products or services selected from partner programs, and then publishes links to them in the description. For each transaction that will be executed by the user after switching from the affiliate link, the creator receives a Commission on sales. 


The great advantage of the YouTube affiliate program is great freedom. The user can decide what and why they want to recommend. It also has full freedom in the presentation of promoted content. He can do it both openly and subtly. What is important, every website gains from affiliate cooperation. YouTuber earns a Commission on sales, the advertiser can boast of more sales, and the buyer does not have to waste time searching the Internet for products or services that interest him, and additionally - he can receive an attractive discount for them. However, these are not all the advantages of affiliation on YouTube. It is also worth mentioning here that the creators do not sign any contracts with advertisers and brands. All they have to do is register with an affiliate network, which takes all the formalities. Moreover, they can terminate the cooperation at any time, without giving any reason.



Does it make sense? 

The cooperation of advertisers with YouTubers in the form of affiliate programs is constantly growing in popularity, bringing benefits to both parties. A significant part of consumers, before buying a product or using a service, first look for opinions on them on the Internet. They get their knowledge from ordinary users or well-known people, such as YouTube influencers who publish reviews on their channel. As the results of the research show, when making a purchase decision, users rely more on video content than on pictures or descriptions. It is also worth mentioning here that YouTube is currently the second most used search engine in the world. All this means that cooperation with YouTubers can provide the brand with a number of benefits, such as increasing sales, reach and recognition or acquiring new customers.


If you want to start your adventure with earning money on the Internet, it is worth getting interested in the Click Hub affiliate platform . What makes Click Hub different? First of all, it offers a wide range of partner programs from various industries, such as the e-commerce, insurance and tourism sectors. The Click Hub affiliate platform gives you the opportunity to cooperate with various types of online stores, as well as auction platforms or financial companies. Click Hub affiliate offers many billing models, such as CPA, CPS or CPL. This affiliate network is appreciated by users for its clear, intuitive tools for creating affiliate links and analyzing campaign results.


Affiliation on YouTube has a number of advantages. It is an opportunity to earn not only for large but also small creators. Here they have full freedom in the selection of recommended products and services and the way they are presented. It is also worth noting the lack of additional formalities in cooperation with advertisers and the possibility of completing it at any time. A recommended affiliate network is, among others, Click Hub