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Affiliate Marketing and ... Instagram


There are many ways to make money on Instagram. One of them is to work with brands by creating sponsored posts. However, in order to be able to enter into direct negotiations with them, it is necessary to have adequate coverage and a community involved. People who are just starting their own with the mentioned social platform can take advantage of the solution, which is affiliate marketing.


Life on social media


Social Media (or social media) are online platforms that allow users to post content such as photos, videos, links, communicate with others, and exchange information. What distinguishes them is interactivity, two-way live communication and limited external interference. Not only do they help to establish contacts and conduct discussions, they are also a powerful marketing tool. The most popular social media are: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter and WhatsApp.


 Life in a picture                                                                     

Instagram is a social network that is used to share and respond to photos and videos It is a mobile application that allows users to create, edit and share content in a visual form, as well as add descriptions, hashtags and tag others, which promotes interaction and community creation. What is its history? It started in 2010 when Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom founded a social media platform called Burbn, which allows them to share photos and information about their current location. After some time, they decided to slightly change the concept, focusing on the publication of photographs. On October 6, 2010, Instagram was officially launched. It is named after the words “instant camera” and “telegram”. On the first day, more than 25 000 users registered. 2 years later, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for about $1 000 000 000. This transaction has had a huge impact on the development of the platform, giving it access to advanced technologies and huge resources. Over the years, Instagram has introduced various new features, such as Stories, IGTV and filters. In 2018, the service exceeded 1 000 000 000 active users, which confirmed its position as one of the leading social media platforms.      



Affiliation on Instagram                                                         

The basic tool for earning on Instagram is an affiliate link. Until recently, only account owners with more than 10 000 followers could use active links. Currently, Swipe-up has been replaced by the Link Sticker, which is available to all users, a sticker with a link allowing to recommend advertisers’ products in shared relationships. How to use it? It's very simple! First, you need to create Insta Story. Next, we enter the URL to which the sticker should be linked and adjust the appearance of the link when it is opened by followers. The affiliate platform can also be used on Instagram to make money through an active link placed in the profile description. What does it look like in practice? The creator creates a post about the product he recommends and gives in the content of the post an inactive link with the annotation that the appropriate one is in the BIO. 


 Affiliation on Instagram is a great way to earn both for popular Influencers and people who are just starting their adventure with this platform. Brands want to encourage as many creators as possible to join the partnership program, who, even thanks to small but engaged communities, will positively influence the brand image, contributing to the increase in sales of its products. Partner programs assume long-term cooperation with influencers, which means that they are not required to immediately deliver the goals of the campaign. Affiliate marketing gives creators the opportunity to independently cooperate with brands without unnecessary formalities, which they can resign from at any time.                                


Reach and engagement of users have an impact on the amount of revenue from Instagram activities. The size of the first one depends on several factors. One of them is the industry. The more niche the author presents, the better. In the most popular ones, such as cosmetics or fashion, the competition is very high, which makes it difficult to break through. It is equally important that the presented and recommended products are consistent with a given profile and the content presented on it. If this condition is met, the creator will gain the trust of his audience, which will allow him to earn even if he has a small community. The last very important issue is community involvement, i.e. the number of reactions to the published content.    



 Does it make sense?

Using affiliate marketing on Instagram by brands is a very good move. Properly conducted activities of this type can help in quickly reaching more potential customers. In this social network you can find thousands of influencers with highly engaged communities. This means that the products tested and presented on their profiles have a chance to reach a wide audience. The key to success here is to find the right partners representing the brand. Depending on your marketing goals, you should choose influencers in such a way as to get the most out of partner campaigns. Instead of quantity, it is worth focusing on quality. It is better to start cooperation with several reliable creators than to involve several dozen smaller ones.


A solution dedicated to people who want to start earning money on Instagram or other social media is Click Hub affiliate platform. The aforementioned affiliate network is a guarantee of a large number of offers on various topics. The Click Hub affiliate platform offers several billing models, such as CPC, CPA or CPS. Working with its help is pure pleasure, thanks to a clear panel. The Click Hub platform is also appreciated by the developers for the speed of payouts.


Earning on Instagram with affiliate links is very simple and intuitive and does not require any additional skills. Simply register as a publisher on a network of your choice, such as Click Hub , and start your activities. Click Hub affiliation is a great solution for any creator, regardless of the number of followers.